European Start-up Rally

Ola RyngeThe Rynge GroupLeave a Comment

Last day for registration to this free event is at midnight tomorrow (4th of february).

”Plugg Startup Rally wants to provide a launch platform for emerging European web / mobile start-ups looking for early-stage funding and trade press, tech blogger and early-adopter attention. A selection of 20 start-ups with strong roots in Europe will be carefully picked by a jury of renowned industry professionals out of the submitted companies.

They will have the opportunity to present themselves on stage in front of the entire audience and have a chance of winning the Plugg Start-Up of the Year Award 2009. Entering the rally is free of charge. All it takes is a sound idea and the ability to convince our jury about the novelty and market potential of the business you intend to build based on that idea.”

Go ahead and enter if your startup match the criterias for entering.

– Ola Rynge
The Rynge Group

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